Feeling Good and looking Good/Guiding Questiom

Why is physical fitness a personal matter?

Physically fitness is a personal matter because its about you keeping yourself in shape its basically all about you. You should want it for yourself not becaused a person may say you need it. You have to decide to be physically fit. 

How do some people neglect their health by choosing not to participate in physical activities?

They will not be truly healthy if they only eat healthy you need the running,weight lifting,and crunches too have a healthy look and feel.

What are the primary health risks, and which ones may they be controlled?

Exercising reduces the risks of dieing from some of the leading causes of death. Obesity, high blood pressure, inactivity, and  diabetes

What benefits are gained by exercising?

Feeling good and looking good. Reduces risks of illness from leading causes of death.

What is the relationship between wellness and physical fitness?

The relationship to me is keeping yourself together, the wellness of your health from eating right and also looking as great as you feel staying physically fit.